Do you know what your hand are touching?
Priority Doors knows that in these current times safety is our number one priority. We offer several solutions to help reduce the germs that live on your doors.
Don’t delay! Call today!

Because of the frequent and inevitable use of door handles and automated door plates, it can be expected that bacteria are present!
Doors are one of the most frequently touched surfaces in the workplace – and this contact is usually directly with our hands. Help prevent the spread of germs from potentially contaminated door handles with a hands-free door opener.
Priority Doors offers a variety of solutions to your door handles-
Making them touchless.

Did you know?
Germs can survive on hands for up to 3 hours

Or that?
A damp hand can spread 1,000 times more germs than a dry hand
A single germ can multiple to more than 8 million germs in 1 day!
Hand washing and gel dispensers clean hands, but as soon as you touch a door you risk becoming contaminated from a previous door user.
Touchless Activation Devices for doors, activation switches, restroom applications, and other areas play a key role in reducing the spread of diseases.


Ultimate Foot Pull keeps door handles GERM FREE
This compact footplate attaches to any door and allows you to open the doors without touching a thing. You can easily put your foot on top of the plate and pull toward you avoiding any scuffing on your shoes.

Convert your dirty GERM INFESTED Automated Door to TOUCHLESS
By eliminating the need to run additional power wires, easily change existing door configurations from hardwired push plates to touchless door actuators.

A hands free forearm door opener makes it easy to open a door keeping it GERM FREE
This handsfree forearm door handle provides a user-friendly means of pulling doors open without having to touch handles or other door surfaces.