by lisa | Jan 20, 2015 | Fire Doors, Priority Doors
by lisa | Sep 4, 2014 | Automatic Doors, Priority Doors
Enjoy Priority Doors Systems September Newsletter- helping you keep your automatic doors operational. The september newsletter shares the importance of taking care of your auto doors, the best way possible; thereby reducing costs and maximizing use. ...
by lisa | Jul 11, 2014 | Priority Doors
by lisa | Jul 10, 2014 | Priority Doors
The process to create and then properly inspect a Fire...
by lisa | Jul 8, 2014 | Priority Doors, Storefront Doors
ADA Requirements Overview: Width and Height Requirements: By ADA standards, the clear width of a door opening must be a minimum of 32 inches and a maximum of 48 inches. This clear width measurement is taken between the face of the door and the stop of the frame with...